Civil Rights & Social Justice

Civil rights and social justice are concepts that revolve around the fair and equitable treatment of all individuals, regardless of their background, identity, or characteristics. These concepts are rooted in the principles of equality, human rights, and the promotion of a just and inclusive society.

Civil Rights

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws extend protections against discrimination to LGBTQ+ individuals. Employers are generally required to treat all employees equally regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Equal Protections

Equal protection is a fundamental principle enshrined in many legal systems, particularly in constitutional law. It ensures that all individuals are entitled to the same legal rights, treatment, and opportunities under the law, regardless of their characteristics or background. The concept of equal protection is closely tied to the idea of nondiscrimination and fairness, aiming to prevent arbitrary or unjust differential treatment by the government or other entities.

What Does Social Justice Mean?

Justice is the concept of fairness. Social justice is fairness as it manifests in society. That includes fairness in healthcare, employment, housing, and more. In a socially just society, human rights are respected and discrimination is not allowed to flourish. What’s the origin of the phrase “social justice?” It was most likely first used in the 1780s and appears in Paper #7 of The Federalist Papers. As the Industrial Revolution wound down, American legal scholars applied the term to economics. Today, its use has expanded significantly and applies to all parts of society. It’s seen through the lens of traits like race, class, sexuality, and gender.

What Does Social Justice Mean?

The principles of social justice

For social justice to become a reality, four pillars must be built: human rights, access, participation, and equity. Social justice can’t be achieved without these four principles.

Human rights

The connection between social justice and human rights has strengthened over the years to the point where many use “social justice” and “human rights” interchangeably. While they are technically different, it’s clear to activists that one can’t thrive without the other. When a society is just, it protects and respects everyone’s human rights. When a society respects and promotes human rights, social justice flourishes. This connection is essential because human rights are recognized globally. When activists fight for social justice, they can lean on the connection with human rights to hold governments, corporations, and individuals accountable.


A just society depends on access to essentials like shelter, food, medical care, and education. It isn’t enough for a society to invest in innovations or create new opportunities; society must also prioritize access. If access is restricted based on factors like gender, race, or class, it leads to suffering for individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Social justice activists spend a lot of time working to restore and increase access for everyone and not just a few select groups.


Who gets to have a say in society? Social justice isn’t possible if only a few voices are respected. Unfortunately, the voices of the marginalized and vulnerable are often silenced in favor of those with more wealth, cultural influence, and political power. This is even the case when people have good intentions and want to address major societal problems. If the voices of those most affected aren’t heard, solutions are likely to fail or possibly make things worse. Participation must be promoted, encouraged, and rewarded so everyone – especially those who haven’t had a chance to participate before – can speak.


Many people believe “equality” is one of the principles of social justice, but it’s actually “equity.” What’s the difference? Equity takes into account the effects of discrimination and aims for an equal outcome. There’s an often-cited and adapted graphic(created by business professor Craig Froehle) that demonstrates this clearly and simply: three people are trying to watch a baseball game over a fence. All of them stand on a box. One can easily see the field, while the other can just barely see, and the last person is still unable to watch. “Equality” has given everyone just one box to stand on, even though the tallest person doesn’t need a box and one box doesn’t allow the shortest person to see. “Equity” gives the tallest person’s box to the shortest person, allowing them to see. Now, everyone can watch the game.

Examples of social justice issues

When the four principles we discussed above are prioritized, a socially just society is possible. Where do these principles need to be applied? Depending on the place, some social justice issuesare more pressing than others. That said, most societies struggle with similar issues. Here are three examples:

Racial inequality

Racial inequality is one of the most common social justice issues in the world. Most nations have a history of racial discrimination and prejudice of some kind. As an example, the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow persists in the United States. Racial inequality affects a racial group’s ability to find work, get access to healthcare, and receive an equal education. Because race is not a biological reality, but rather a social and political construct with real consequences, progress takes social and political solutions.

Gender inequality

The way things stand, it will take 135 years for global gender equality to become a reality. Obstacles like the gender pay gap, weakening reproductive rights, and unequal education opportunities hold women back. The COVID-19 pandemic also erased a lot of progress as its impact on work and household responsibilities hit women harder. Social justice activists consider gender equality, which intersects with other issues like racial and sexual equality, one of the most important social justice issues of our time.

LGBTQ+ rights

People in the LGBTQ+ community face high levels of violence and discrimination. Prejudice at home, in the workplace, and at school could be a big reason why. Among other challenges, prejudice affects a person’s ability to find employment, shelter, healthcare, and safety. In recent years, the trans and non-binary community has experienced a surge of discrimination, which is already leading to violence and a rollback of rights. The state of LGBTQ+ rights is more in peril in some places than others, but even in the most progressive countries, social justice for the LGBTQ+ community is not well-established. As an example, by March 2022, almost 240 anti-LGBTQ rights – most targeting trans people – were filed in the United States.

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